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时间:2024-08-17 12:45:30


【专家解说】:恩,查不到具体的意思,有diagenetic,就是地质方面的,意思是成岩的。应该就是成岩地。下面是我查的一些例句和文摘中的,记得采纳,谢喽:Diagenetically authigenic minerals are dominantly kaolinite, chlorite, siliceous, and ferruginous calcite. 成岩自生矿物主要有高岭石、绿泥石、硅质、铁方解石。 短句来源 H and O isotopic compositian shows that there are three types of oilfield waters: diagenetically modified connate water in the Jurassic, Triassic, Cambrian and Ordovician; 氢氧同位素测量值表明:侏罗系、三叠系及寒武系—奥陶系内幕油田水为成岩改造原生水; 文摘中的:A preliminary study of newly discovered sphagnum brown coal from the Jingsuo Basin, Yunnan Province, China, which is quite rich in montan wax, indicates the predominance of higher n-alkane homologues and aromatized triterpenoid components. Aromatic hydrocarbons are composed mainly of pentacyclic and tetracyclic di-, tri-and tetra-aromatic components, which are obviously diagenetically related to high plant-derived triterpenoids naturally occurring in the biosphere. Because the brown coal still remains... 形成于贫营养型高地沼泽的云南金所泥炭藓软褐煤的链烃主要由正烷烃组成,异戊二烯类烃含量甚低,含少量陆源三萜烯。芳烃馏分主要由三芳、四芳三萜类和两个未知化合物组成。前者具典型陆源输入的奥利烷或乌散烷分子骨架。褐煤(?)_(ron)~0仅0.24%,但芳构化作用已十分强烈,且芳烃主要由芳构化陆源三萜类组成。