Energy beameddown from space is one step closer to reality, now that California has giventhe green l
时间:2024-08-17 11:37:03
Energy beameddown from space is one step closer to reality, now that California has givent
【专家解说】:A 句意:太阳能卫星将利用无线电波把能量从太空中发射回来。关键词是beam down。依据此关键词,可在文中第一段第一句找到相关叙述:Energy beamed downfrom space is one step closer to reality, now that California has given thegreen light to an agreement that would see the Pacific Gas and Electric Companybuy 200 megawatts of power beamed down from solar-power satellites beginning in2016.(从太空中获取能量的设想距现实更近了一步,因为加州为太平洋天然气电力公司从2016年开始购买200兆瓦由太阳能卫星反射回来的能量的合约开了绿灯。)由此可知太阳能卫星将利用无线电波把能量从太空中发射回来,故此题为“正确”的