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时间:2024-08-17 16:15:10

请你以倡导‘理性消费,绿色消费’为主题,设计一个主题活动热心网友:Green consumption, also called the sustainable consumptio

热心网友:Green consumption, also called the sustainable consumption, it is to point to a kind of take the moderate temperance consumption, avoid or reduce the damage to the environment, advocate natural and ecological protection is the characteristic of new consumer behavior and process. Green consumption, including not only green product, still pack green consumption environmental protection shopping bags Cover the recycling of materials, the efficient use of the energy of the living environment, the protection of the environment and species. Green consumption is the focus of the "green, environmental protection of choose and buy is life".




热心网友:就是尽量把把一个孩子从婴儿期养到学龄前,绿 绿色消费倡议色消费是一种高层次绿色消费已得到国际社会的广泛认同


热心网友:我想问下你找到答案没有啊,我也要做这个活动, 有没有什么好的活动推荐了,
