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时间:2024-08-17 14:29:59


【专家解说】:摘要:本次乡镇路灯建设工程主要以农村道路的功能性照明为主,提升全市农村居住环境和农村旅游文化产业的发展。文章主要结乡镇路灯工程实践,从工程管理角度着重论述在路灯项目施工过程中几个关键阶段的管理经验,今后在农村地区大规模安装、使用太阳能LED路灯提供了一些借鉴。关键词:新能源 太阳能LED路灯全过程 工程项目管理Abstract: The township street construction projects mainly to the functional lighting for rural roads, to enhance the development of the city's rural living environment and rural tourism and cultural industries. The articles main conclusions of the township street engineering practice, focuses on several key stages in the construction process of the street light project management experience, future large-scale installations in rural areas, the use of solar LED street lights offers some lessons from the perspective of project management.Keywords: new energy, solar LED lights, the whole process of project management.中图分类号:P754.1文献标识码:A 文章编号:一、工程概况广州乡镇路灯建设工程作为大规模在农村安装太阳能路灯的一个重要尝试,一期工程已竣工验收。(剩余3459字)