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求正大剧场外语片名 内容男主人在暴风雪前越山去办事半夜回来发现妻子外遇第二天冻死在自家门前 谢谢!

时间:2024-08-17 13:09:58

求正大剧场外语片名 内容男主人在暴风雪前越山去办事半夜回来发现妻子外遇第二天冻死在自家门前 谢谢!【专家解说】:似乎没看过,如果是正大剧场演过,我只能和别人一样,给你个列表了!虽然

【专家解说】:似乎没看过,如果是正大剧场演过,我只能和别人一样,给你个列表了!虽然不全,但是也有很多供您参考! 早期正大剧场无论在选片,翻译还是在配音,制作等方面都到达了很高的水平,它代表着中国译制片的又一段辉煌。可以说正大剧场对很多人,特别是对八十年代出生的人都将是一段值得永远珍藏的回忆。根据网络一些相关的忆性帖子整理。A Around The World In 80 Days(1989)(80天环绕地球)1990.9.22-10.3 Aladdin and His Lamp(青年与神灯)1992.12.26 A Long Way Home (1981)(漫漫归乡路)1991.5.25 A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court (1989)(误闯阿瑟王宫)1991.6.1-6.8 A Portrait of Shunkin(春琴抄) Act of Will (1989)(风雨人生)1991.11.30-12.21 A Fight for Jenny (1986) (争夺珍妮)1992.1.22-2.29 A Thousand Heroes (1992) (英雄成千)1992.11.14-11.21 A Town Torn Apart (1992) (小镇的分歧) 1993.7.4 Assault and Matrimony (1987) (致命的婚姻) 1994.1.16-1.23 A Home of our Own (1993) (我们自己的家)1996.3.31-4.7 A star is born(1976) (一个明星的诞生) B Back To The Future(回到未来) Big Daddy(冒牌爸爸/爸爸长大了) 1993.2.27-3.7 Beauty And The Beast (1987)(侠胆雄狮)1990.4.21-8.25 Baby M (1988) (谁是母亲)1992.3.7-4.4 C Cleopatra(埃及艳后) Crocodile Dundee (1986) (鳄鱼邓迪) Caroline(1990)(嘉露莲的故事)1991.9.21-9.28 Child in the Night (1990) (夜惊魂) 1992.10.31-11.7 Cloud Waltzing (1987) (云中华尔兹)1995.1.8-1.15 Christmas Eve (1986) (圣诞前夜) 1994.12.18-12.25 D Death on the Nile(尼罗河谋杀案) Dr.Jekyll and Ms.Hyde(杰基尔博士和海德女士) 2001 Dream for an Insomniac (失眠者的梦) Dr. Fischer of Geneva(1988)(费舍尔医生)1991.3.9-3.16 Deceptions(1985) (不该发生的事)1990.9.1-9.15 Dansen med Regitze (1989) (跳华尔兹的女人)1994.10.23-10.30 Date With an Angel (1987) (天使在人间) 1992.9.19-9.26 E Edward Scissorhands(剪刀手爱德华) Electric Dreams (电脑梦幻曲) 1996.8.18-25 E.T F Flight of the Navigator(1986)(飞碟领航员) 1994.1.2-1.9 Five Weeks In A Balloon(气球上的五星期) Friendship’s Field(友情天地) Fantaghirò(1991)(金玫瑰洞)1993.7.11-8.1 Fantaghirò 2 (1992) (金玫瑰洞)1994.6.19-7.12 G Gulliver’s Travels(格列佛游记) Great Expectations(孤星血泪) Gremlins(小怪物) Glory Enough for All (1988) (共同的荣誉)1991.8.24-9.14 Golden Fiddles (1991)(金色小提琴)1992.1.25-2.15 H Heidi(海蒂)1997.12.28-1998.1.18,1999.7.11-25 He’s Fired, She’s Hired (1984) (迂夫智妻) 1994.3.27-4.3 Holy Matrimony (奇怪的婚姻) 1996.4,14-21 I Iron Maze(1991) (铁城奇案/铁迷宫) 1993.11.7-11.14 In the Line of Duty: The F.B.I. Murders (1988) (赤胆追凶) 1994.2.27-3.6 If The Shoe Fits(1990) (魔鞋)1995.5.14-5.21 I`LL Take Manhattan(风雨娉婷) J Journey to the Center of the Earth(地心游记) Jane Eyre(1983)(简爱) 1991.3.23-4.20 Just Visiting (时间隧道) Jane and the lose city(1987)(简和失落的城市/魔宫奇兵 ) 1991.5.11-18 Jenny’s Song (1988) (詹妮之歌) 1992.9.12 J’ai épousé une ombre (1983) (我嫁了个影子)1994.3.13-3.20 K Kate & Leopold(隔世情缘) Knight Rider (霹雳游侠) King Arthur(亚瑟王) Killer Crocodile(1989) (杀人鳄鱼潭)1994.1.30-2.6 /1994.11.6-11.13 L 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1997) (海底两万里) 1998.11.15-12.22 Ladyhawke(1985) (鹰狼传奇) Lantern Hill (1990) (灯塔山的故事)1994.4.10-4.17 Lost in London (1985)(伦敦流浪记)1991.12.28-1992.1.4 Love, Lies and Murder (1991) (爱情与谎言) 1993.3.14-4.4 Love & Larceny (1985) (爱情与盗窃) 1993.5.2-5.16 Limit Up (1989) (女商奇遇/魔鬼的交易)1993.12.19-12.26 Love, Mary (1985) (无悔今生)1994.4.24-5.1 Little White Lies (1989) (俏语真情) 1994.9.28-10.2 Little John (小约翰) 2004.8.1 M Murder On The Orient Express(东方快车谋杀案) MEN OF IRON(铁人) Mill on the Floss(弗洛斯河上的磨房) Moonlighting(蓝色月光) Magic Moments (1989)(魔法时刻)1991.2.23-3.1 Marilyn and Me (1991) (梦露与鲍比) 1993.1.16-1.23 Miracle Landing (1990) (九霄惊魂) 1994.5.8-5.15 Mannequin (千年痴情) Magical legend Leprechauns (矮仙传奇) MAP Of the Human Heart(心中的地图/极地有情天)1997.7-8 Mystic Pizza(饼屋姑娘)1993.9.26-10.3 N Nurses on the Line(1993) (实习护士) 1994.7.31-8.7 O On Golden Pond(金色池塘) Oliver Twist (1985) (雾都孤儿) 1990.11.10-12.15 Out of the Shadows(1988)(冲出阴影)1991.2.2-2.16 once in a Lifetime (1994) (母爱)1994.8.28-9.4 P Pride and Prejudice (1980) (傲慢与偏见) Proud Men (1987) (牛仔之家)1991.11.9-11.16 Presumed Guilty (1991) (冤狱) 1992.12.12-12.19 Q Queenie (1987) (明星秘史) R Raw heat(1991) (爱的牺牲品/Victim of Love ) 1994.7.17-7.24 Reason for Living: The Jill Ireland Story (1991) (人生真谛)1993.1.2-1.9 Romance On The Orient Express东方快车恋曲1994.6.5-6.12 Red Rock West (1994) (西部红石镇/别了红石镇 ) 1997.6.29-7.6 S Superman(超人)1993.8.8-8.15 Short Circuit(1986)(霹雳五号)1994.2.13-2.20 Singin' in the Rain(雨中曲) Stradivari (1989) (名琴之父)1993.5.23-5.30 Son of the Morning Star (1991) (晨星之子) 1993.6.6-6.27 Shattered Promises / Deadly Matrimony (1992)(被撕毁的誓约) 1993.8.22-9.5 Stella (1990) (吧女斯特拉)1993.9.12-9.19 Supergirl (1984) (女超人)1993.11.21-11.28 Stormin' Home (1985) (旋风车手) 1994.5.22-5.29 Shaughnessy(肖尼西)1998.9.6-13/1999.1.17-24 Sophie`s Choice(苏菲的选择)1997.5.18-25 Spymaker <谍海奇才> Somewhere In Time (时光倒流70年) T The Woman in White(白衣女人) Timeline(重返中世纪) The Cutting Edge (冰上浪漫曲) Till We Meet Again(待到重逢时) The Princess Bride (1987) (公主新娘) The Count of Monte Cristo(基督山伯爵) The House of the Spirits(金色豪门) The Old Man and the Sea(1990)(老人与海) 1991.6.15-6.22 The Thorn Birds(荆棘鸟) The Legendary Life of Ernest Hemingway(1988)(海明威)1991.6.29-7.22 The Boy Who Could Fly(屋顶上的男孩) The Frog Prince(青蛙王子) The Island (神秘岛) The Izu Dancer(伊豆的舞女) The Ringer(圈套) To Save Nine(1989)(舐犊情深) 1991.10.26-11.2 The Nanny(男保姆) Tears In the Rain(1988)(雨中情) 1990.12.22-29 The Shell Seekers(1989)(故里寻梦/ 拾贝女人) 1991.4.27-5.4 king_olympics:The lives and loves of Avery Brundage(1988)(奥林匹克之王:艾弗里·布伦戴奇的生活与爱情) 1991.1.4-1.25 The Philadelphia Experiment(1984)(费城试验)1991.7.27-8.3 The Woman He Loved (1988) (爱情与王位) 1992.4.11-4.18 The Rescue of Jessica McClure (1989) (紧急抢救)1992.7.25-8.1 The Sound and the Silence (1992) (有声与无声)1993.1.30-2.20 The Golden Seal (1983) (金海豹) 1993.10.10-10.17 This Can't Be Love (1994) (明星残缘) 1994.11.20-11.27 Till the Clouds Roll By (1946)(乱云飞渡 )1994.8.14-8.21 Tuesdays With Morrie (1999) (相约星期二)2002.1.6 The Ginger Tree (姜树)1992.8.8-22 The Saint of Fort Washington(华盛顿城堡的圣徒) 1998.3.8-15 V Vanishing Act (1986) (失踪之谜/失踪疑云/遗产)1992.1.11-1.18 Von ryan`s express(1965) 战俘列车 W Wuthering Heights(呼啸山庄) Where the Spirit Lives (1989)(情归何处)1991.8.10-8.17 Woman with a Past (1992) (有前科的女人) 1992.11.28-12.5 Web of Deception (1994) (欺骗之网)1994.12.4-12.11 Wait Till Your Mother Gets Home! (1983) (等你妈回来)1994.9.11-9.18 X Y Yes,Minister (1980)(是,大臣)1991.10.5-10.19 Z Zessho (绝唱)(Shouting) 希望你找的这里有!