时间:2024-08-17 11:19:20
围绕“如何进行低碳生活”写一英语小作文【专家解说】:Low-carbon lifestyle is more and more popular in our daily life.
【专家解说】:Low-carbon lifestyle is more and more popular in our daily life. Not only a kind of lifestyle, but also a way of saving our homeland.
But how can we do? The answer is just as simple as you can't imagine. The first simplest thing we could do is to open the windows. Sometimes when we enjoy the air condition(空调), we are losing energy! Just let the natural wind go into our room and enjoy the flesh air and cool feeling. Bus is another most important way of going out. Would you like run after cars to smell the terrible stink? More cars more carborn comes out in our world. But traffic jam may trouble you, so I usually ride bike. Enjoying the sun and making our bodies much stronger is a comfortable thing we could do everyday to have a low-carborn lifestyle.
Above all, low-carborn lifestyle is everywhere. It just depends on our environmental protection consciousness(环保意识). So do it to let others take up low-carborn lifestyle with us.
个人手写的 绝对不是复制粘贴来的 望采纳!希望对你有用!
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