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时间:2024-08-17 13:43:26

求翻译!!!!急!!!!!【专家解说】:1、首先火鸡洗净去内脏,用盐及胡椒粉腌30分钟。 2、再将野米隔干水份与蒜蓉及其它蔬菜粒用牛油炒片刻,加入茜子及调味。 3、然后加入鸡汤煮滚


1、首先火鸡洗净去内脏,用盐及胡椒粉腌30分钟。 2、再将野米隔干水份与蒜蓉及其它蔬菜粒用牛油炒片刻,加入茜子及调味。 3、然后加入鸡汤煮滚,用慢火煮至半熟,待凉。 4、最后将野米馅放入火鸡腔内,用锡纸盖着开口,置煤气焗炉8度(230°C/450°F)焗约2小时至熟。

1, the first turkey viscera wash, with salt and pepper and marinate for 30 minutes. 2, then the wild rice dry across the water with garlic and other vegetables and grains with butter and fry for a while, to join She's and seasoning. 3, then add the chicken stock and bring to a boil, simmered cook until half cooked, cool. 4, the final will be rice stuffing into the turkey cavity, opening with a tin foil covered, the gas oven to 8 degrees (230 degrees C / 450 F) bake for 2 hour until cooked.

