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时间:2024-08-17 10:55:41


【专家解说】:伴随着二十一世纪的到来,科学技术突飞猛进,人类的生活水平不断提升,对资源的需求越来越大,与此同时资源的危机成为摆在我们面前不得不重视的问题,生活中不可缺的能源有媒,石油,天燃气等,但它们却又是不可再生的,而需求量和储藏量成反比,形成了严重的能源危机,在这种情况下,人们不得不寻求有效率的应付方法,例如:对有限资源合理利用与保护,还可以开发新的可再生能源,例如:风能,太阳能,水能,来满足人们的需求,做为大学生的我们现在能做的贡献是节约能源,从我做起,共建合偕社会。 俗话说:人个有志,意思是说不同的人有不同的志向,人们追求自我志向的同时就是对自我幸福的实现,而对志向的定位就是幸福观的定位,从学生迈向社会择业就是对幸福观的一个自我挑战.我之所以这么认为是因为我觉得人的生命是短暂的,如果说让我证明我存在过,那么最好的办法就是有人会为我的不存在而感到不便,其次,我认为当别人需要我时我会感到自己的重要性而开心快乐.我的幸福观就是自我价值的最大化实现,做一个别人需要的人乃至是社会需要且不可获缺的人,在回首慢慢人生而不会为碌碌无为而羞愧。即将迈出大学校园的我既已为自己的幸福观做好了规划,在此实现的途中会有砍坷挫折,但我已做好充分的心里准备而为之奋斗,我要最大化的实现人生价值,这就是我心中真正的幸福观. With the advent of the twenty-first century, science and technology by leaps and bounds, the standard of living of human beings are ever-increasing demand for resources increases, the crisis at the same time as a resource before us had to pay attention to, essential life coal energy, petroleum, natural gas and so on, but they are non-renewable, and is inversely proportional to demand and reserves, a serious energy crisis, in which case, people have to deal with the search for efficient methods, such as: rational use of limited resources and protection, also can develop new and renewable energy sources, such as: wind, solar, water, energy, to meet people's needs, As college students we can make now is to save energy, I start from and build community together kai. As the saying goes: one of those, meaning that different people have different aspirations, the quest for self-ambition at the same time is the realization of self-happiness, but happiness is the ambition of positioning the positioning concept, from the students towards social choice is concept of well-being of a self-challenge. I think so because I feel that life is short, if I prove that I exist, then the best way is for my people feel there is no inconvenience, followed by I think that, when other people need me, I will feel that their importance and happier for him. My view is that the well-being to maximize the value of self-realization, A people in need as well as the social needs and not be missing those who are born in the back slowly and will not be ashamed碌碌无为. University campus is about to step, I have been happy for their own concept of good planning, in this way will be cut to achieve Ke setbacks, but I have to do a good job and fully prepared to fight for their hearts, I would like to maximize the realization of value of life, that is my view of the hearts of true happiness.