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时间:2024-08-17 08:59:35


【专家解说】:控制每天总热能的摄入,少吃碳水化合物。此外,还要少吃蔗糖、蜂蜜,因为它们含果糖很高,会加速尿酸生成。蔬菜中的嫩扁豆、青蚕豆、鲜豌豆含嘌呤量高,也要限制食用。Control the daily total energy intake, eat less carbohydrates. In addition, would also like to eat sugar,honey, because they contain fructose is very high, will accelerate the formation of uric acid. Vegetables in thegreen lentils, green beans, fresh peas containing purinecontent is high, also want to limit consumption.限制蛋白质的摄入,多选用牛奶、奶酪、脱脂奶粉和蛋类,它们所含嘌呤少Some restriction of protein intake of milk, cheese, more choice, skim milk and eggs, they contained low purine多吃碱性食品,如蔬菜、马铃薯、水果等,可以降低血和尿液的酸度。西瓜和冬瓜不但是碱性食品,而且具有利尿作用,对痛风患者更有利。Eat more alkaline food, such as vegetables, potatoes,fruit, can reduce blood and urine acidity. Watermelon andmelon is not only the basic food, but also has a diuretic effect, more beneficial for patients with gout.痛风的治疗还需配合/复被兹代用茶/,/复被兹代用茶/利尿排毒改善酸性体质,防止尿酸结晶,当天尿酸当天排,让你无任何后顾之忧!