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I saw her last week中last week 是constituents of phrase 还是 constituents of sentence 为什么?谢谢

时间:2024-08-17 10:42:54

I saw her last week中last week 是constituents of phrase 还是 constituents of sentence 为什么?谢谢【专

【专家解说】:恩恩,last week 不是短语啊,是时间状语,像什么today,the before yesterday....... 短语要平时多积累一下,就分清楚了,在做题时要思考一下总接一下,很快就可以分清了,因为他们有共性的 像短语come up with,pay attention to......凭我个人经验,我告诉你啊,短语一般由动词和介词组成,move away i don't like to go to school,so everyday I want to escape from the school like to, go to school,want to ,escape from,这些包含了动词和介词的都是短语,恩,我教你了,你在平时做题时要多留意,多总结,就很快区分了