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时间:2024-08-17 09:18:08


【专家解说】:气体传感器是一种将某种气体体积分数转化成对应电信号的转换器。探测头通过气体传感器对气体样品进行调理,通常包括滤除杂质和干扰气体、干燥或制冷处理仪表显示部分 气体传感器是一种将气体的成份、浓度等信息转换成可以被人员、仪器仪表、计算机等利用的信息的装置!气体传感器一般被归为化学传感器的一类,尽管这种归类不一定科学。 “气体传感器”包括:半导体气体传感器、电化学气体传感器、催化燃烧式气体传感器、热导式气体传感器、红外线气体传感器等。 Gas sensor is a gas volume fraction will be a corresponding electrical signal into the converter. The first sensor to detect the gas through the gas sample conditioning, usually including interference filter out impurities and gases, drying or cooling to deal with instrument display Gas sensor is a component of the gas concentration and other information can be converted into personnel, instrumentation, computers and other devices that use the information! Gas sensors are generally classified as a class of chemical sensors, although this classification does not necessarily science. "Gas sensor", including: semiconductor gas sensors, electrochemical gas sensors, catalytic combustion gas sensor, thermal conductivity gas sensors, infrared gas sensors. 燃气报警器作为预防燃气泄漏的有力武器,它的出现却似乎并没有引起人们应有的注意。这个在安全防护上可以和家用灭火器相提并论、甚至比灭火器更需要进入家庭的小东西,大多数家庭根本没有把它当一回事,甚至不知道还有这样一个可以从根本上解决煤气中毒和煤气爆炸的"保护神"存在。以上海为例,去年因热水器废气中毒及灶具溢熄、橡皮管老化脱落引起的燃气泄漏和造成中毒死亡的共86人,占全部燃气事故死亡人数据的84%。但据权威部门公布的另一项调查表明,在上海市300万左右的燃气用户中,安装家用燃气泄漏报警器的不足10%。 在日常生活中,无论是煤气中毒还是煤气爆炸事故,都因煤气泄漏而起。居家过日子,谁都离不开使用煤气,无论你的预防措施做得多好,但百密难免一疏,更何况对消防安全不采取任何措施的家庭就更加危险。因此很有必要在家里准备一个燃气报警器,随时替主人守护着燃气用具,时刻警惕着燃气这个无形杀手悄悄溜出来,帮助主人将家庭隐患消灭在萌芽之际,成为家庭安全的好管家,让家人使用燃气具时,用得安心放心。例如有很多的家庭煤气爆炸火灾,都是在不知道房间里充满了泄露出来的煤气,盲目动用电器开关而在瞬间发生的悲剧,如果有一个报警器,类似这样的悲剧就可以大大避免。 燃气报警器进入家庭,将成为家庭安全的好帮手,这是不争的事实 产品说明: 检测气体:天然气、液化气、城市煤气(H2) 体 积:115mm*71mm*43.3mm (1) 新增传感器漂移自动补偿功能 ,真正防止了误报和漏报. (2) 报警器故障提示功能,以便用户更换和维修,防止了不报. (3) MCU全程控制,工作温度在-40度~80度.工作电压:220VAC或110VAC、12VDC-20VDC 附加功能:联动排气扇、联机械手、电磁阀 联网方式:有线联网功能:(NO、NC) 无线联网方式:315MHZ/433MHZ (2262 OR 1527) 燃气报警器to prevent gas leakage as a powerful weapon, it has, however, does not seem to have attracted the attention it deserves. This security and household fire extinguishers can be placed on a par, or even more than the fire extinguisher into the family of the little things that most families do not see it as one thing, do not even know there can be such a fundamental solution to gas poisoning and gas explosion, "the protection of God" exists. Shanghai as an example, last year, due to poisoning and cooking gas water heater overflow out, piece of rubber hose off the aging caused by gas leakage and poisoning caused by a total of 86 deaths, accounting for all the gas data of accidents were 84%. However, according to an authoritative department to another survey released shows that in Shanghai, about three million gas users, the installation of domestic gas leakage alarm of less than 10%. In their daily lives, whether it is gas poisoning or gas explosion, because of gas leak into the sky. Home life, no one is inseparable from the use of gas, no matter what you do more preventive measures, but a hundred secret inevitably very careful, not to mention of any fire safety measures are not taken on even more dangerous family. Therefore it is necessary to prepare a燃气报警器at home at any time for the owner guardian of the gas appliances, a gas alert to this invisible killer slipped quietly out to help the owner of the elimination of family problems in the bud, the domestic security of the good housekeeper, so that family members with the use of gas, the use of hearts at ease. For example, there are many families of fire gas explosion, do not know in the room full of gas leaking out, the blind use of electrical switches and tragedy in an instant, if there is an alarm, a tragedy like this can be greatly avoided. 燃气报警器into the family, will become a good home security to help, this is an indisputable fact Product Description: Detection of gas: natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, city gas (H2) Size: 115mm * 71mm * 43.3mm (1) add automatic sensor drift compensation, the real and omitted to prevent the false positives. (2) The failure prompted the police to enable the user to replace and repair, to prevent the non-reported. (3) MCU control the entire process, working temperature -40 degrees to 80 degrees. Operating voltage: 220VAC or 110VAC, 12VDC-20VDC Additional features: linkage exhaust fan, the manipulator, the solenoid valve Networking: wired networking functions: (NO, NC) Wireless networking: 315MHZ/433MHZ (2262 OR 1527)
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