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英语有关节能减排的短语和句子。 谢谢啦

时间:2024-08-17 08:14:57

英语有关节能减排的短语和句子。 谢谢啦【专家解说】:energy efficientenergy saving 节能(节约能源)Energy-saving Bulbs节能灯

【专家解说】:energy efficient/energy saving 节能(节约能源) Energy-saving Bulbs节能灯 energy-saving motor节能电动机 ecological energy-saving生态节能 Simulation results show that this algorithm is efficient and unidirectional links is valuable for energy conservation. 仿真结果证明了该算法的有效性,以及单向链路对于能源节省具有较高的价值。 emission reduction 减排 greenhouse gas emission reduction温室气体减排 Carbon Emission Reduction Target碳减排目标制度 The flexible mechanisms of the Kyoto Protocol provide for transferable credits derived from greenhouse gas emission reduction projects. 京都议定书的灵活机制为温室气体减排项目提供贷款。