- Abstract4-5
- 摘要5-6
- Contents6-8
- Chapter 1 Introduction8-15
- 1.1 Background and meanings of the study8
- 1.2 Literature reviews8-10
- 1.3 Main Contents10-15
- Chapter 2 Russian and Chinese energy resources15-54
- 2.1 Reserves of Russian energy resources15-22
- 2.2. The situation of China’s energy resources22-35
- 2.3. Distribution of energy resources within Russia and abroad35-38
- 2.4. Distribution of energy resources within China and abroad38-42
- 2.5 Russian international energy relations42-47
- 2.6. Chinese international energy relations47-54
- Chapter 3 International energy trade between China and Russia54-87
- 3.1. The importance of the energy trade in Chinese and Russian economics54-57
- 3.2. Fuel and energy trade relations: initiation, development and during the crisis of 2008-201057-63
- 3.3. The current stage of the fuel and energy relations63-87
- 3.3.1. The structure and characteristics of the fuel and energy trade63-68
- 3.3.2. Main supply routes of energy resources and delivery problems on the main supply routes68-74
- 3.3.3. Major problems of fuel and energy imports from Russia to China74-84
- 3.3.4. Problems of increasing energy trade between China and Russia84-87
- Chapter 4 Methods to solve problems in the major fuel and energy resources trade relations between China and Russia87-107
- 4.1. Methods to solve delivery problems of major energy resources on the main supply routes87-92
- 4.2. Methods to solve problems of major fuel and energy resources imports from Russia and China92-102
- 4.2.1. Methods to solve major oil import problems92-95
- 4.2.2. Methods to solve major gas import problems95-98
- 4.2.3. Methods to solve major coal import problems98-102
- 4.3 Analysis of methods of increase energy trade projects102-107
- Conclusion107-108
- Reference108-118
- 致谢118
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