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时间:2024-08-19 06:40:08

海上天然气液化概念中固态相的影响(英文)【摘要】:Three floating liquefaction concepts aiming at offshore natural g

【摘要】:Three floating liquefaction concepts aiming at offshore natural gas recovery,Liquefied Natural Gas(LNG),Heavy Liquefied Gas(HLG)or another similar concept Pressurized Liquid Natural Gas(PLNG)and Liquefied Unprocessed Well Stream(LUWS)have gained interest in the past decade,control or prevention of solid formation is crucial for all these processes.In this work,the solubility of carbon dioxide and heavy hydrocarbons in the gas mixture at low temperature is simulated and compared with literature data.Using Soave-Redlich-Kwong(SRK)equation of state(EOS)for the fluid phase and a fugacity model for the solid phase,the simulation of carbon dioxide solid behavior agrees with experimental data.The phenomenon of carbon dioxide and benzene solids existing together in gas mixture is analyzed,the result shows the difference in dealing with the potential solid formation components in the offshore liquefaction concepts. 【作者单位】: Norwegian
【关键词】solid phase;offshore liquefaction concepts;SRK EOS
【基金】:sponsored by the Research Council of Norway 2007-2009 National Strategic Research Programme[Institusjonsforankret strategisk prosjekt(ISP)]
【正文快照】: INTRODUCTIonThe global energy demandis expected toincreaseby an average of1.2%per year between2005and2030,while the growing demand for natural gas is1.8%per year[1].To meet the growing energyconsumption,floating offshore natural gas recoveryhas gained in


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