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时间:2024-08-19 03:30:14

将节能理念引入城乡住区规划设计的策略(英文)【摘要】:Currently,energy saving design has been conducted on single bui

【摘要】:Currently,energy saving design has been conducted on single building but not on the whole residential community in urban and rural areas.So,the paper has proposed energy saving measures for residential planning from the perspective of site selection and layout of buildings.Specific measures are as follows.Firstly,buildings should be constructed on the sunny side and leeside;secondly,buildings on the south should be lower than those on the north;the east side of the building should be open while the west side should be closed;thirdly,climate protection unit should be set;fourthly,buildings should be of northsouth direction primarily,and the main room should be set on the east side and the assistant rooms or passage on the west side in the buildings of east-west direction;fifthly,it should select compact and wellarranged households and the units should not be combined in point and dislocation and jointing. 【作者单位】: 华北水利水电学院;
【关键词】Residential area Planning and design Planning source Integrated design Energy saving idea
【正文快照】: Energy saving is not only a concept ineach part of architectural planning design,and it has been a basic professional quality fordesigners to master technological measuresand design means based on energy savingidea[1].Planning and implementation shouldfu


将节能理念引入城乡住区规划设计的策略    杨书卿;郝丽君;卢玫珺;

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